Sales Items

Every now and then when the plan chest gets a little bit full I like to let some of the older work see the light of day again. The pieces contained within the dropboxes below are collagraph prints made over the last 25 years. More recent work will still be available at the RRP and through galleries but the items in the dropboxes have generous reductions.

Whilst there isn't a cart attached to the dropboxes, if you see something you like and it doesn't have a SOLD sign, feel free to contact me at or DM via social media



Dropbox 1 15cmx15cm image size £87 each (RRP £110) 10% Discount for multiple purchases

Dropbox 2 9cmx9cm image size £45 each (RRP £50) 10% Discount for multiple purchases


UK postage £5

Overseas postage £15

Multiple purchases or heavier parcels may incur a higher postage rate